
We have always focused on the business community, from small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporations in every industry.

Schinasi dedicates to all clients its professional skills, which includes:

Risk transfer policies

There is no such thing as the proper policy for risks transfer to the insurance market: each company should be able to find the solution that best suits its own style of business management. Schinasi with its expertise can understand and satisfy the clients’ needs.

Insurance programmes

Once identified the strategy, it is needed to design and arrange an insurance programme that best suits the company, so that managers can focus on their goals with no unpleasant surprises.

Risks placement on insurance market

An insurance contract has to ensure the proper risk transfer with conditions to be tailored on the basis of needs and features of each client, and this can be achieved only finding the right insurance partner.
Insurers, to be considered and proposed to our clients, have to show financial health and the ability to build long-term relationships.

Insurance contracts handling

The administrative and accounting handling of insurance contracts involves use of resources often not so easily available for the client. At Schinasi of course we take care of these tasks, by means of specific technological tools that lead to a fast and efficient process.
This allows the client to transfer to us these time-consuming activities, letting their internal resources to focus on core business development and key management jobs.

Claims/losses assistance and support

This is the real and final test of our skills, the moment when we check whether the risks are duly covered by the contract and whether the insurer is a reliable partner as expected.
Schinasi’s staff have technical tools to analyse your past loss events and then to develop a proper strategy to minimise their financial impact, even through effective self-insurance measures.
We will always stand by our clients to ensure that policy conditions are met and to support claims/losses outcomes.

Our key sectors


We can provide our clients with know-how and skills in risk mapping and claims handling.
Over the years we gained such an expertise to become a trustworthy and reliable operator of both the business community and the insurance market.

In course of our history, we have reached specialisation in the following industries:


Food and Beverage

This is an industry where all involved parties bear considerable risks: from the field to the farm to the table, precise protocols and even more strict regulations must be complied with, in order to keep safe the end user. This is the reason why maximum attention has to be paid throughout the whole supply chain.

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Building is a business of Italy’s industrial DNA: from great designers to innovative companies and smaller – but high-profile anyway – firms, all these players bring wealth with their skills.
However, construction goes hand in hand with potentially very high risks, due to the technical complexity of the work being carried out, or the urban or natural context where companies have to work.

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Ski-lift facilities

Ever since its foundation, Schinasi has always focused on this industry. We achieved knowledge of its specific features and evolution, we developed and improved not only proper insurance coverage, but also innovative risks and claims management techniques.
This remarkable market positioning led Schinasi to be accepted as an ANEF (Italian National Association of Cable Car Operators) associate member, with cooperation
in significant projects.

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Financial institutions

In course of our history, we have advised banks, private equity firms, investment companies and others in the financial services’ sector.
We always sought non-standard solutions to cover risks that, due to the inherent nature of this sector, can be very high. These risks are both internal, such as professional liability of the performance of high-profile activities, and external, such as fraud through data processing systems, an even more widespread crime.

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When approaching insurance needs of manufacturers, we ought to put in play not only professional skills, but above all flexibility and ability to put oneself in the client’s shoes, and then propose taylor-made protection programmes.
Our professionals assist companies involved in a wide range of manufacturing business; the gained experience let us to match the risk extent with the most suitable insurance instruments.


We can put in place and handle international insurance programmes for those clients who have business interests abroad; we can also provide direct local support in Italy, Austria and the UK (through our subsidiary Schinasi UK) for incoming programmes from our foreign partners.
We are proud to say that we developed a network of direct cooperation agreements with selected partners. Their time-tested expertise and shared values outline a reliable network able to provide quality local service to our multinational clients’ entities.

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Thanks to our partnership with Global Risk Engineering S.r.l. our clients can access a complete service that guide them through risks analysis, problematic claims handling, preliminary appraisal and valuation of assets.


Call us on +39 02 or email us by filling in the below form.

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Milan Office:
Via Francesco Ferrucci, 8 - 20145
Bolzano Office :
Via Galvani, 31/b - 39100
Schio Office :
Via Carducci, 18 - 36015


Milan Office:
Tel. +39 02
Bolzano Office:
Tel. +39 0471.63.10.01
Schio Office:
Tel. +39 0445.52.04.87

Opening hours

From Monday to Friday:
from 08:15 to 18:00
from Feb 1st to Oct 31st on Fridays, our offices will be open only in the morning

Email address

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