Insurance solutions



We lead our clients through the choice of those special cover extensions that can customise the offer and let the insurance cover be complete.

At Schinasi, we are able to handle all insurance lines, from traditional ones to specialities, providing extensive expertise and high-quality service for each line.

Property Damages and
Business Interruption

When a businessman invests in his company, he wants to see it grow and develop.
In order to give proper protection to our clients’ business assets, we can put in place widely extensive policy wordings.
One of most underestimated risk is business interruption. A stop in the company’s business, due to a loss affecting company assets, can be an even greater damage than just the material one.
Contact us for more information.

and Employers’ Liability

Any business involves some perils at various level. An event, causing loss or injuries to third parties or employees, could have serious financial consequences, able to threaten the very survival of the business.
Through a diligent analysis of management techniques and work processes, we can tailor a definitely appropriate insurance cover to protect the company.
Contact us for more information.

Product Liability

Even the most vigilant company in terms of product controls and quality may make a mistake and if this mistake has consequences for the consumer of the product, the company will be called upon to pay compensation for the damage caused and the economic consequences may jeopardise the future of the company.
Contact us for more information.

Environmental Liability

Increasingly attention is paid to environment heritage. This is why we cooperate with our client companies and their management, in order to identify critical elements in the company and in the operations. Then we can adopt the most suitable form of contract, so that environmental liability can be avoided and relations with the competent authorities can be easier.
Contact us for more information.

D&O – Directors’ and Officers’ Liability

A D&O policy is an essential protection mean for both the managers and the company.
Nowadays managers, no matter how good their professional skills and expertise are, are exposed to the risk of making mistakes; these mistakes are able to jeopardise years of work and their and their families’ future.
Even the company, however, must be in condition to take action against its directors with the peace of mind and the knowledge that its demands will be met, even when it is involved in litigation about managers’ wrongful acts in employment practices.
Contact us for more information.

Cyber Risk

Operating in a digital world means exposure to digital risks: the purchase of proper hardware and software is not enough; an insurance cover against Cyber Risk is also recommended.
This is a wide-range insurance solution, which provides cover both for first party damages (material and financial losses, crisis management costs) and for third parties damages (civil liability for personal and sensitive data management).
Contact us for more information.

Legal Protection

The economic system we are living in shows high uncertainty, companies face ambiguous, if not inconsistent, rules and unexpected and innovative interpretations of laws, regulations or contractual agreements.
Litigations are on the rise and a Legal Protection insurance policy can give help to companies.
Contact us for more information.


In many companies, motor fleet is both a strategic asset, whose value can even be a major slice of the company’s assets, and the field where the relationship with the broker become more effective.
Contact us for more information.

(CAR/EAR and subsequent Decennial Liability)

This line includes machinery and plants, from construction to operation and the maintenance, as well as the construction of buildings and all kinds of infrastructures.
Such specific risks obviously need specific insurance cover, on the basis of the type of insured work; here too the key is in-depth knowledge of available solutions.
Contact us for more information.

Employee Benefits

A lot of specialist studies show that most successful companies pay serious attention to their human resources.
Health care level provided by our National Health System is constantly decreasing and this let increase the added value of assistance and health care provided by insurance solutions. It is definitely also a good way to improve employees’ retention, as well as it proves focus on people in the company.
Furthermore, Italian law system pushes companies to adopt these benefits, with access through special bodies, the “Casse di Assistenza” (Welfare Funds), letting companies get significant tax advantage for both the company and the employees.
Contact us for more information.

Trade Credit

Keeping under control your own debtors’ solvency is essential. Unfortunately, even the most careful credit-monitoring can do nothing when a debtor is facing business crisis, a not so rare occurrence: this is why the safest protection for commercial risk management is credit insurance.
What is more, for those clients of ours with branches or companies abroad and needing a high-profile local service, Schinasi can provide access to Bardo and Credea networks.
Contact us for more information.

Surety Bonds & Guarantees

Our skilled professionals in the Surety Bonds line can support and protect you in your international development projects and provide proper bond from main insurers of the market, letting you show your reliability to business partners.
Sure business community can also be interested in guarantees required by public administrations: Schinasi is able to lead you trough available insurance solutions, from bid and performance bonds for public tenders, to guarantees for tax credits, or for the instalment of tax debts.
Contact us for more information.


Nowadays our clients’ operations take place in all continents, they can easily move goods and materials, which often travel a long way before reaching their destination.
Nevertheless, many accidents occur, involving trucks, cargo ships and other means of transport, and causing extensive losses to the goods in transit.
Whether you want to move tons of goods or make small, high-value shipments, Schinasi can assist you in choosing the right insurance instrument.
Find out how we can help your company. Contact us.


Call us on +39 02 or email us by filling in the below form.

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Milan Office:
Via Francesco Ferrucci, 8 - 20145
Bolzano Office :
Via Galvani, 31/b - 39100
Schio Office :
Via Carducci, 18 - 36015


Milan Office:
Tel. +39 02
Bolzano Office:
Tel. +39 0471.63.10.01
Schio Office:
Tel. +39 0445.52.04.87

Opening hours

From Monday to Friday:
from 08:15 to 18:00
from Feb 1st to Oct 31st on Fridays, our offices will be open only in the morning

Email address

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